Double biquad wifi antenna
Double biquad wifi antenna

double biquad wifi antenna

Therefore, the antenna was recalculated in the ANSYS HFSS program, which does not have such restrictions and allows you to more accurately calculate the length of the wire. The restrictions of the NEC engine are defied here, not only at the connection point of the feeder, but also at the points of the wires intersection. This conclusion fully applies to this antenna. We have already drawn your attention to the fact that the calculation of microwave antennas in programs based on the NEC engine is not always correct. Double Bi-Quad for HDTV is described in another article. There are several models for Wi-Fi and 3G bands in the archive.


The calculation is based on 4NEC2 models of this antenna, the archive of the models can be downloaded from our website. To help with this, the online calculator presented below is intended. Despite the fact that the antenna has a slightly lower gain than 4xQuados, its making is simpler and every who makes Bi-Quad antenna will always have a desire to add two extra squares to it. Let's calculate the Double Bi-Quad antenna. Symmetrical stripline characteristic impedance calculator.Twisted pair characteristic impedance calculator.Twin-wire balanced TL characteristic impedance calculator.Circular coaxial characteristic impedance online calculator.Metal grid antenna reflector, online calculator.Twin delta loop antenna online calculator.Logperiodic (LPDA) antenna online calculator.DL6WU Yagi-Uda antenna online calculator.Double Bi-Quad antenna online calculator.Universal 3G/4G/Wi-Fi MIMO feed for satellite dish - WBME.Panel antenna “Double Ellipse-rectangle” for 3G/4G bands.Panel antenna “Ellipse-patch 2х2” for 2100 MHz band.Cloverleaf antenna analysis and online calculator.

Double biquad wifi antenna